What really is a warranty? How can Vision Blinds & Shutters help?

What’s in a warranty? 

As consumers, when we spend a large chunk of our hard earned cash on anything, we like to believe that we have purchased high quality products that will last the test of time. The warranty period that comes with a product can often help us have that peace of mind when it comes to this. 
For example, A product with “lifetime warranty” is obviously better than one that comes with 10-15 year’s warranty....... or is it?

Oftentimes we are lead to believe and succumb to the false sense of security that a lifetime warranty is the bees-knees of warranties out there. 

When purchasing any product, it’s important to read any fine print surrounding the offer presented to you. 

More often than not, lifetime warranties have a fine print section so long that it’s not even worth the paper it’s written on. Getting the supplier/distributor out of any claim you may try to make against their product. 

A few things to ask yourself, when it comes to warranty, come down to common sense, 

- How can they offer a 30 year’s/lifetime warranty on something that is man made? 
- How come you can spend $200,000 on a high end vehicle yet you only get 3 year’s warranty? 
- Is the company even going to be around for 30 years from now? 
- Generally speaking, information on systems tends to get archived eventually. Will they still have you in their system 29 years from the date of install? 
- In an industry where we are always thriving to find better products for our consumers, Will the Products be the same as yours in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years? 
All these simple thoughts should be reason enough to get your alarm bells ringing when you get offered a “lifetime warranty”. 

At Vision, we have a “No fine print” warranty on our products. It’s all slimmed down into one paragraph that literally ends with “for everything else, use common sense and so will we.”

We stand behind all our products and only offer REAL warranties for REAL people. 

Hit us up today if your interested to get more information and see the range.


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